Serious Mumma

Before and after treating a wound. This is my 4th cold since the beginning of the year.

Conditions That Have Flu Like Symptoms But Aren T The Flu Health Com

Potential causes of frequent sickness include stress and lack of sleep.

Why do i keep getting sick every two three weeks. After changing diapers or assisting a child with potty training. Anyhow i keep getting a cold runyn nose with greenish mucus no fewer or aches every two weeks. Stress and lack of sleep can increase your risk of getting frequent colds.

Here is my problem one night every 2 3 weeks i have been waking up at 2am with a horrible nauseous feeling. After using the bathroom. Even adequate exercise contributes to overall health and thus a healthy immune system.

If you don t eat a well rounded diet take a multivitamin. Your doctor will go over them through a process of elimination. The most common reason you get sick all the time if you find yourself falling ill almost every other week your body is trying to tell you something.

Some people find that they keep getting sick. If required you will be tested to ensure a precise diagnosis. The nausea is followed by cold sweats and feeling lighted headed.

I always get up and drink as much water as i can. Before and after caring for a person who is sick. Lifestyle changes can help reduce the likelihood of a person becoming ill.

Take care of yourself to ensure your immune system is in peak order. Sinus infection bronchitis stomach flu strep. On average according to the center for disease control and prevention adults get about two to three colds each year.

I m spending most of my life sick. The first time in oct then in nov i did not go to a doctor and just did home remedies. Finally around 2 30am i start to vomit.

I get sick every other week with something. I vomit in the mornings a lot so much that i end up with a little blood. He has been sick just as long but it seems to be a milder case than what i am experiencing.

It doesn t seem to get any better and even on my good week i feel tired and weak just not as bad. When i got sick again in dec i went to the docs and got penicillin 500g 3 times a day for 10 days. It seems like every two to three weeks i am sick again.

Practicing good hygiene eating right sleeping and reducing stress all help keep colds away. The list of possible explanations for why you keep getting sick every two or three weeks is long.