Serious Mumma

After that family court will tell you about other hearings in your case. Realistically given the shortage of foster families and the number of households dealing with much more serious issues abuse neglect hard drug use it seems unlikely that even if someone were to report you your healthy and well cared for daughter would be taken away for this reason.

When Can Child Care Resume The New York Times

There are reasons however why you should cooperate there s a section about this below.

Can social services take my child away. Social workers do not have the power to remove your child from your care unless this is ordered by the court or you agree that your child should be removed. Your social worker will tell you the date time and place of your first court hearing. I would say that for your child to still be on a cp plan at 18 months if the last incident was when your child was born suggests the risk is very high.

Neither they nor social services can make the decision to take a child away from its parent s. Force them to prove their cases in court in a full trial. Harm there are four types of harm emotional harm physical harm sexual abuse or neglect.

That decision is with the courts and it s not one they make lightly. It usually takes place within three business days after cfsa removed your child. If a cps worker wants to interview your child at your home they must ask your permission.

It is only a way for child protective services social workers to try to get evidence against you so they can take your children away. Family court must agree cfsa did the right thing in removing your child. If you say no they will not conduct the interview.

If there is any suggestion that your child cannot remain in your care you should immediately get legal advice from a solicitor specialising in children s law or contact family rights group advice line. In this situation your child can stay in police protection for 72 hours at the most. Social services do not knock on people s doors looking for excuses to take children away.

Do not admit to anything. A well looked after loved child will never be removed. If there have been immediate concerns for your child s safety social services may have involved the police and there might not have been time for them to apply for a court order to remove your children.

You need to work with the social workers not against them and you need to demonstrate that you are putting your child s safety first. Social services do not want to take your children away but they have to make sure that they are safe and cared for properly. Your gp is an idiot.

Social services cannot simply walk in and have your newborn taken from hospital. What i recommend based on what i d do in similar circumstances. Do not sign their plans.

If you have been concerned can i stop social services taking my baby the answer is yes if you understand the circumstances under which your baby can be taken. The circumstances which would grant them the right to do this include. They cannot speak with your child at your home with you present without your consent.