Serious Mumma

It costs us as a society both financially and morally. However the social political and economic costs of such retribution are in my opinion too high.

Death Penalty

Killing on behalf of a state is wrong as well.

What is wrong with the death penalty. These are some of the bigger reasons why we believe that the death penalty is wrong. Morally killing is wrong. Death penalty opponents also argue that the government behaves barbarically and hypocritically when it first condemns a person for deliberately killing another and then deliberately kills the person as an expression of that condemnation.

Studies have shown that the odds of receiving a death sentence are four times higher when the defendant is black. Many inmates on death row never really got a first chance let alone a second chance. Some may believe that the death penalty is a just and moral punishment for the most serious of crimes.

The death penalty is no longer a practical means of either deterring or punishing people. Upon closer examination however this claim loses much of its force. We are guilty of the state sanctioned murder of innocent people and it must end.

Five years later new evidence surfaces that proves once and for all that you were innocent. People should be allowed second chances. It doesn t deter crime.

The death penalty is wrong. There are many reasons to be against the death penalty. Many of the inmates on death row grew up with violence neglect in poverty with racism and along with many mental illnesses.

Largely a recent invention radically expanded during a few brief years of bill clinton s presidency. The federal death penalty on the other hand is a different story. The fact that it doesn t prevent crime may be the most significant reason why the death penalty is wrong.

Victims and their families are morally entitled to long for revenge. California governor halts all state executions this article is more than 1 year old i cannot sign off on executing hundreds and hundreds of human beings gavin. Imagine that you ve been convicted of murder and thrown in jail for life.

Wrongful execution is a miscarriage of justice occurring when an innocent person is put to death by capital punishment cases of wrongful execution are cited as an argument by opponents of capital punishment while proponents suggest that the argument of innocence concerns the credibility of the justice system as a whole and does not solely undermine the use of death penalty. In a society where the legal system can t be relied on for justice the death penalty is too serious a punishment. However the justice system thinks not.